Our Engine, Your Brand.

Level up your business with our online coaching platform, launching in beta soon. We can't wait for you to try it out with your clients.

CoachKit has everything you need to make your life as a coach easier.

We have a range of features to help you manage your clients, sessions, and payments.

All-in-One platform

Our online coaching app enables you to onboard your clients, create personalized workout plans, and provide nutritional guidance, all from one place.

Progress tracking

CoachKit makes it easy to track your clients' progress and adjust their workout plans and nutrition accordingly. You can track their weight, body measurements, and other key metrics, all from within the app.

Service builder

Have a new package to offer existing or new clients? Using our service builder you can create a new service in seconds defining the name, features, payment options, number of spaces and create discount codes.

Easy onboarding

Our app makes it easy to onboard your clients, with a simple and user-friendly interface that guides them through the process step-by-step.

Branded website and app

Your very own website with all the features of CoachKit. Sections include; members login, sign up, testimonials, pricing plus many more.

Unlimited clients

Invite as many clients as you wish with no limits. Yes, unlimited users with no hefty price tag or hidden terms and conditions.

Form builder

Our unlimited form builder enables you to capture any data you want, assign to users or even engage with potential new customers.

Training Plan builder

Build, manage and assign training plans at ease using our extensive exercise library and sophisticated training plan builder.

Exercise library

An extensive library of exercises for your training plans. You can use ours or add your own.

Be an early bird.

As we launch CoachKit in beta, we are looking for coaches who are willing to provide feedback on our app and help us improve it. As a beta user, you will have early access to our app, and the opportunity to shape its development. We value your feedback and will use it to make our app even better for you and your clients. Join us on this journey and let's make fitness coaching more accessible and effective for everyone.